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Browse TEG-160WS Questions
There are 4 questions found in this category:

  1. How do I create a VLAN in the TEG-160WS?
    For this example we are going to create a VLAN with ports 1-10. Port 10 is going to be a tagged port and 1-9 are going to be untagged. Click Bridge > VLAN > Tagged VLAN. Input the VLAN ID and the VLAN Name under Tagged VLAN Settings. Under Static Tagged select port 10 Under Static Untag...
  2. How do I upgrade the firmware?
    Download the latest firmware update from our website here and extract it. Open your web browser and type the IP address of your switch in the address bar. The default IP address is Login to the TPE-160WS b...
  3. How do I reset the TEG-160WS?
    Press and hold this button on the front of the TEG-160WS for 10 seconds to reset the switch to factory defaults. ...
  4. When logging into the web management interface the browser crashes or elements are not displayed properly. What should I do?
    If you encounter problems when logging into the web management interface, you may need to temporarily disable your Antivirus software. Antivirus software installed with additional web browser components (such as the AVG® Anti-Virus Surf Shield component under the LinkScanner feature) may cause probl...