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Browse TI-PG62B Questions
There are 4 questions found in this category:

  1. Can I use any SFP module in the TI-PG62B?
    TRENDnet does not employ any proprietary mechanisms in our switches. You can use any non-proprietary SFP module. For environmental concerns we recommend using industrial SFP modules. TRENDnet industrial SFP modules are the TI-MGBSX, TI-MGBS10, and TI-MGBS40....
  2. Which SFP modules are rated industrial for use with the TI-PG62B?
    The compatible industrial SFP modules are the TI-MGBSX, TI-MGBS10, and TI-MGBS40.
  3. Can I use a 12 VDC power supply?
    Yes, however, this will affect your overall PoE power budget. With a 21 VDC power supply your power budget will be 60 Watts. With a 24 VDC / 48 VDC / 56 VDC power supply your power budget will be 120 Watts. ...
  4. Does the TI-PG62B come with a power supply?
    The TI-PG62B would typically be powered by existing power infrastructure. We do offer an optional power supply that is sold separately for projects that do not include an existing power infrastructure, model TI-S12048....