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Browse TV-IP212W Questions
There are 2 questions found in this category:

  1. How to setup the Internet Camera for Remote Viewing over the Internet
    OverviewPlease ensure you have followed the quick installation guide and have the camera setup and accessible on your home/office network. The following instructions are going to outline how to make a SecurView camera accessible over the Internet. We will start by assigning a unique static IP addres...
  2. What are the recommended system specs for SecurView?
    Due to the heavy load placed on the CPU TRENDnet does not recommend running CPU usage over 70%. With the following computer specs we would recommend no more than 6 cameras. Intel Core Duo 2.5GHz, 2GB Memory, Nvidia GeForce 7100 256MB, 640 x 320 VGA view With higher system specs you can run...