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Browse TEW-812DRU Questions
There are 14 questions found in this category:

  1. How do I setup a Guest network on the TEW-812DRU?
    Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering https://TEW-812DRUor the address line of your browser. For added security, the router is preconfigured with a unique password. You can find the password on a sticker on the front of the router and on the label on the bottom of the...
  2. How do I configure my wireless settings, change my Wi-Fi key or turn off a wireless radio?
    Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering https://TEW-812DRUor the address line of your browser. For added security, the router is preconfigured with a unique password. You can find the password on a sticker on the front of the router and on the label on the bottom of the...
  3. How do I log into the router and configure the TEW-812DRU?
    Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering https://TEW-812DRUor the address line of your browser. For added security, the router is preconfigured with a unique password. You can find the password on a sticker on the front of the router and on the label on the bottom of the...
  4. How do I forward ports in the TEW-812DRU?
    Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering https://TEW-812DRUor the address line of your browser. For added security, the router is preconfigured with a unique password. You can find the password on a sticker on the front of the router and on the label on the bottom of the...
  5. What are the default settings on the TEW-812DRU?
    For added security, the router is preconfigured with unique management and wireless passwords. The default settings are located on a sticker on the front of the router and on the bottom label....
  6. How do I reset the TEW-812DRU?
    The reset button is located on the bottom of the TEW-812DRU. Press and hold in the reset button for 10 seconds to reset your router to default settings. The default settings are located on a sticker on the front of the router and on the bottom label. ...
  7. When I attempt to connect to the router I am prompted for a PIN. Where is this located?
    Connect a computer to one of the LAN ports on the TEW-812DRU. Log in to it by entering https://TEW-812DRUor the address line of your browser. The username is admin. For added security, the router is preconfigured with a unique password. You can find the password on a...
  8. How do I connect to the TEW-812DRU at 802.11ac speeds?
    To connect at 802.11ac performance you must have an 802.11ac adapter, for example the TEW-805UB. Please also ensure the router is secured using WPA2 encryption levels. By default the TEW-812DRU is preconfigured with t...
  9. How do I setup and manage access to an external hard drive connected to the TEW-812DRU?
    Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering into the address line of your browser. The default username and password are both admin. Click Administrator on the left hand side and then File Sharing.  The default Administrator username and password are both admin.  Change the A...
  10. How do I connect my wireless devices using the WPS button?
    Push and hold the WPS button located on the back of your router for 3 seconds and release it. A blue LED on your router WPS button will flash indicating that the WPS setup process has been activated on your router. Push the WPS button on the wireless device you are connecting. ...
  11. How do I create accounts for my SAMBA sever/FTP server?
    Connect a computer to one of the LAN ports on the Router. Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering into the address line of your browser. The default User Name and Password are both admin. Click Administrator>File Sharing. ...
  12. Once I have my external hard drive connected to the router how do I access it?
    Open your web browser and default server name which is \\TEW812DRU_SMBor the routers router IP address \\routersIP You will be prompt for authentication. You can the any of the accounts you created or the default username and password which is admin. ...
  13. How do I secure my wireless network?
    Connect a computer to one of the LAN ports on the Router. Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering into the address line of your browser. The default User Name and Password are both admin. Select the wireless band you would like to configure and then click Security.  Select t...
  14. How do I setup my wireless network?
    Connect a computer to one of the LAN ports on the Router. Log in to the TEW-812DRU by entering into the address line of your browser. The default User Name and Password are both admin. Select the wireless band you would like to configure and click Basic.  You can define t...