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Browse TEW-712BR Questions
There are 8 questions found in this category:

  1. Does loading open source firmware on the router void the warranty?
    TRENDnet does not support any custom developed firmware or software loaded on any TRENDnet products. Such actions will automatically void the product's warranty....
  2. How do I secure my wireless network?
    Log in to the TEW-712BR by entering into the address line of your browser. The default User Name and Password are both admin. Click Wireless and then Security. Select the highest form of security supported by your wireless computers and network appliances. Note: For 802....
  3. How do I setup my wireless network?
    Log in to the TEW-712BR by entering into the address line of your browser. The default User Name and Password are both admin. Click Wireless and then Basic. You can define the wireless network parameters here. ...
  4. How do I log into the router and configure it?
    Log in to the TEW-712BR by entering into the address line of your browser. The default User Name and password are both admin. ...
  5. What is the default username and password on the router?
    The default User Name and password are both admin. TRENDnet recommends changing the default Administrator and User passwords. To change the default passwords log in to the TEW-712BR by entering into the address line of your browser. Click Main and then Password Enter new ...
  6. How do I forward ports?
    Log in to the TEW-712BR by entering into the address line of your browser. The default User Name and Password are both admin. Click Access and then Virtual Server.  The example shown forwards TCP port 80 to an IP camera at ...
  7. How do I reset the router to factory default settings?
    Press and hold in the reset button on the back of the Router for approximately 15 seconds while the power is on. The default values are as follows. IP Address: Username: admin Password: admin SSID: TRENDnet712 Encryption: none ...
  8. When I attempt to connect to the router I am prompted for a PIN. Where is this located?
    Connect a computer to one of the LAN ports on the Router. Log in to the TEW-712R by entering into the address line of your browser. The User Name and Password are both admin. Click on Wireless then WiFi Protected Setup to locate the Self-PIN Number. ...