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How do you reset the TMO-311C to default settings?
FAQ ID: 4755 Product: TMO-311CUpdated:12/19/2022 10:57:40 AM
Untitled Document

Step 1: Connect your computer to the TMO-311C with a network cable.

Step 2: Press the Windows key + R key to open the Run command then type in ncpa.cpl then click OK

Step 3:

  • Right click on your Ethernet connection then click Properties.
  • Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) then click Properties
  • Select Use the following IP address and for the IP address enter and the subnet mask as

Step 4: Open a web browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and enter the IP address of the TMO-311C,, into the address line.

You will be prompted to Login. The default username and password are both admin.

Step 5: Navigate to Settings > MoCA settings then click the Restore Defaults button.

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